Cimatics presents
Cimatics, Brussels International Platform for Live A/V, presents a Masterclass Live Audiovisual Art, within the framework of the studio-program Experimental Media-art provided by the VAF (the Flemish Audiovisual Fund).
Because the biggest merit of live A/V is its cross-border and cross-disciplinary character the masterclass will challenge its participants to do just that: collaborate.

The goal of this blog is to generate an open-source effect: opening up the discussions from within the masterclass to the rest of the world. Let this be a call for everyone to participate and join or start a debate.
Eventually, this blog will be printed as a book. An additional DVD with the open-source versions (Creative Commons license) of the participants masterclass-projects will be available afterwards. So if you post something to this blog, you are co-authoring the book.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Multi-Media Flat !

Hallo everybody,I'm Ambra.

Back in Berlin since yesterday night an dthinking about Cimatics projects.
I have to say that I'm quiet happy about the inputs tht I collect through the contac wiht the group.
As a first message I would like to ask to everybodu to gives theyr opininion about my idea to rent a flat together in Brussels around april (before the last workshop ) or after in May.
The idea would be to put a small part of each one budget to rent a flat (more or less empty)made of 4-5 rooms for a period fo 3 weeks.
I imagine to use the flat for work and exibhition at the same time..better say that in my mind I would like to work inside the flat (1 or 2 group-project in each room)and then 2 or 3 times a week to open the flat to public inviting people to share with us works in progress or different installations or performances.
What I like is that insteda of one-day exibhition(which would be anyway possible) teh "Multi-Media Flat"would be a possibility to collect interested persons,perhaps organizing some small conference or explanation of teh works and the collaborations we will build up.
I feel the flat as an Happening and as a chance to better get closer to audience and potential interested people to this "Flat Project".
I have to say I'm quiet exited about it!
I would like to know what you all think about and who would be interested to partecipate in it.
I think is not super easy to find the perfect flat to do that but I also think is not impossible!
I will write again later about my specific interaction that I would like too develop...for the instant I wait your answers and questions.

Good night


skype contact : kokoroberlin

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